Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Primrose Hotel - Student Accomodation, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Where to Start.. I so beyond any emotional capability of even being being generically pissed off.
This is a Blog for all future prospective students reviewing the Primrose Hotel as a possible means of accomodation whilst studying in Toronto. Actually.. why not open the floor to cater for universally anyone wishing to stay at this half way house of a hotel.

1. Primrose is not a Hotel.
2. Best Western? - Expect a room akin to the quinticential Super 8 motel chain.
3. This is going to cost you $1150.00 CAD per month, including generic breakfast/dinner similar in appearance and taste to the foods supplied at the Homeless Shelters.
4. Saving the best til last. These are SHARED rooms.

Picture your standard run of the mill $45 USD a night motel. Its small, has a bed, bathroom & no opening windows. Now add a partition directly half way through the room, then add a partition half way through that partition. Herein will lie 2 single beds, a desk and a 1M sq cubicle referenced as a wardrobe. Total walking distance between the bed, desk, wardrobe and door.... 0.5M !!! Oh don't forget, push your chair right in to your desk, else you will not be able to open or get out of the door.

Don't get me wrong, I am not out to knock the company, I am highlighting, or more like, publishing the facts of what this accomodation actually is.
The pamphlet which your local university may supply, will not detail any specific facts on hotel location (on the corner of the Prostitute & Crack Addict intersection). Spend 1 night and leave the hotel at night... You will be hit up for cigarettes, change or if your really lucky, a wonderful platformed tranny looking to perform tricks for $20.
BUT... if your like me, the local night workers merely gave the district a bit of culture, compared to the lack lustre service provided by the Primrose service desk.

There are much better choices available for exchange students.

Neill Wycik College Co-Op is an excellent choice. Floors set up with 6-7 apartments with 2 bathrooms, kitchen, rec room etc.
If I had the choice of where to stay again, then this would totally be it.

Note - Flatting is also a much better option. You can get a 1-2 bedroom flat in Toronto for less than 1K per month.


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Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Beacon (A Spark Still Glows)

There are blue eyes that see into mine
Every night they belong to me, watching me, ever so closely
I see through the facade, nobody knows the person I have on the inside

Writing about love has never come easy
Listing all the negatives comes naturally
I am a lover of asthetic beauty
Never been one to live in a ghetto

The 1st month was unsettling
Memories papered & plastered on the walls
One picture stands out from the rest.
When I was poisoned, out came a beacon,
Smiling down at me while trapped in Coney Island

Years of travelling one path have caused it to part
Forks in the road don’t mean both parties have to go
Parallel journeys with a common denominator
We have the connection, the spark still glows
It not going to be easy, the yellow brick road may turn stone cold
Why do anything unless you willing to do the venture
I want to go forward, Marry me in Toronto

Friday, December 14, 2007

Playing The Game ....

Sad and confused I feel lost and abused
Stuck in a rut with all the doors shut
I’m at a loss on how to pull though
I opened the window, now my thoughts run loose.

Ecstatic on the inside, my eyes are wide open
Scouting locations to address what needs to be heard
Contentious issues keep plaguing my clarity
Needing to separate fact from fiction
It’s a difficult thing for anyone to hear

I push myself higher until there is no air,
Taking these steps to rid myself of regret
What looked like a mountain has turned into lava flows
How much longer it will take is something I cannot fear

Playing the game is how this began
Choosing to proceed, turning back is not clear
My soul needs redemption, cleansing, releasing
Crushing my head, time is stabbing me with a spear

Holding onto home will not show what is known
Boundaries are moving swiftly, driving me away from the gnome
Separating the mind, soul & body is the sign
Destroying the demons is the only way to go

Accepting isolation, retracting from saturation
Love is the opposite of what’s needed this year
If the fighting does not lead to victory
Little can be gained in this realm I share

Running on empty is how this will be beat
Attacking myself will reveal what’s beneath
Survival is critical to the challenge
Doing what is right will keep love in a heart beat

Friday, November 16, 2007

Removing A Wall, Opens A Window

A complex personality or person with set in stone relationship conditions must be hard to live with. There’s no corner you can’t turn without having to ponder the consequence of the action & analyse the multiple scenarios playing out in your mind of what could happen, why & whether you choose to proceed... all within split seconds of making the choice. These decisions can be anything from which restaurant to dine at, which friend to see, should I do this or should I do that etc. I have had an abundance of boundaries, which I have imposed on the other half at one time or another, which leads to my current point of thinking.

What right does anyone have to force another person to do something or not?
When did it become okay to impose guilt for doing something they are (by rights) entitled to do?

The last 2 months I have been alone have been equally lonely, but also a god send. It is not often in a relationship that you can have ‘time-out’ to challenge inhibitions & work towards correcting out-standing issues or problems, which we have carried around since childhood or adolescence. In most couples this would be separation. In my case it’s the other half doing something I want them to do in order to gain the most experience from life. That could sound like there was ulterior motives in getting the ‘time-out’, however it was simply setting goals of what I wanted to achieve during this alone time.

I have had the advantage of death in the family recently which gave me the opportunity to challenge the somewhat ambiguous feelings towards members of my family which have been buried for many years. My core internal programming has proven that I am extremely difficult at forgiving people & 100% useless at forgetting what I’m forgiving. This is in most cases to my own detriment. I find it excruciating to avoid cutting people off which is nearly always impossible when it is members of your own family. But, all it takes is a single death to thrust me back into the ‘hell dimension’ I had fought to stay out of for so long. Co-incidently I found that my perception or memories prior to leaving the country were in the present day environment irrelevant, I actually missed family members & after challenging myself by confronting them, felt a certain peace within when the relationship was re-established. There was a specific member I chose not to reconcile with, purely because it was a relationship not worth saving & I feel no animosity towards them anymore, more like they are just a waste of space.

Another benefit of this time apart, is I feel like I am re-learning who I am. Being with the other half for so long & submerged in their life has without a doubt hindered or halted my own development. This is in no way a negative reflection on them it is more on myself, for not keeping myself on track or voicing what was trying to come out on the inside. Trying to remember what I used to do on weekends or what I liked prior to being in a relationship left me stumped for answers. I felt like I had forgotten who I was before who I am now. I’m sure this is common in long term relationships, where you are surrounded by each-other for so long that you end up living 1 life. It’s recommended by marriage counsellors each individual needs at least 1 day a week to do whatever they want alone. Maintaining external relationships is vital also, it helps keep the mind open to what’s happening outside of your own world. I admit that I have been atrocious at keeping contact with my best friend & need to become more diligent in keeping coffee dates or catch-up’s. I also believe that friendships do sometimes need to be kept separate. A mutual friend between yourself & your partner is excellent, though everyone needs friends that are theirs alone. You should never expect to have the same friendships you have with any of your other half’s friends.

A lot of time has been spent contemplating the meaning of monogamy or the definition of cheating. I perceive this to be one of my greatest flaws since cheating or infidelities I have been never able to forgive or forget. I felt a great deal of anger towards having it done to myself, which I lashed out at the culprit, now I see was unjust & on my part naive, but I can’t blame myself since at the time, I truly believed I could feel no other way, which is amusing when I remember a discussion we had early in the relationship where we agreed it would be okay provided whoever the indiscretion was with, was good looking so it would be justified. Everybody slips whether they are intentional or victims of circumstance. I find alcohol plays a very high factor in most cases, which I’m sure most people agree with. Society’s teachings or restrictions are lowered under the influence & primal instincts are heightened. My definition or grounding for my understanding of cheating, has always led back to my parents indiscretions. Whether I feel that if the cheating hadn’t happened my parents may be still together is completely inconsequential. I have had an open mind when it comes to sexual activity, which is odd when coupled with a contrary belief, but upon challenging my interpretation of infidelities seems to be completing a 180. No longer do I see one night stands or sex as being grounds to destroy a relationship or imposing endless amounts of guilt on another individual. A relationship is built on the lives together, sex in a relationship is the joining of love, whereas an indiscretion appears to be no more than sex as a result of lust or quite simply, fulfilling a sexual urge, hardly enough to jump up and down over, even considering you don’t own the other person’s body do you?

I can’t say it’s been easy trying to destroy my beliefs but it has been a necessary evil to relinquish them in order to expand my mind. Hours have been spent in meditation contemplating feelings, how & why I feel a particular way & then breaking down those feelings or beliefs. The less restrictions you have, the easier life is & the more at peace you are within yourself. Buddhism has given me strength to face issues, one being in relation to the above & how the mind is separate from the body. It teaches how the path to enlightenment cannot be achieved without the activity of sexual satisfaction/gratification. Teachings also have references similar to the Romans, who lets say, created the concept of orgies & flamboyantly sexual escapades. In a large number of cultures today, multiple partners is a cultural norm, as is extra-relationship sexual activity.

Does this mean I will not do something if the other half of the relationship disagrees? I don’t think so, since I know I do not have any right to stop them from doing anything they want to do. Being in a relationship does not mean you can dictate or force the other party to do what you want. Especially in the situation now where distance keeps any form of physical contact a total impossibility. I would like to think that I am open to the other half finding sexual satisfaction by any means possible, as I would like to think they would think the same in return. This is not to say, that anything would happen, it’s a new understanding & ability to be as open as possible should any indiscretion occur, which is important to keeping the relationship firmly on the ground. Whether the other half thinks the same is unknown, however this is my current way of thinking. As you can see, this goes against my previous belief’s, and the other half is probably dumb founded and wondering where ‘Boo’ has gone & who’s this imposter impersonating me. But all that needs to be done is remember who I was when we 1st met, and similarities will present themselves.

I have become somewhat addicted to challenging myself & my beliefs and will not stop from doing something just because my current programming contradicts the action, no matter what the action may be. How can we progress mentally if we do not think outside the box? How can you say you have wisdom, if you have not tried everything life has to offer? This is the exact reason why I have set myself challenges to break down the walls & become the person I know I want to be on the inside.

The robot inside does not show emotion, a fatal flaw that reared its ugly head in February when I choose to attack myself because the pain could not come out in words. I took another step in the right direction, by admitting to close friends, those I would call extended family, the true nature of the scars on my arm. I am not a serial cutter, as that sounds. Once in my life, to avoid hurting others, I saw no other option but to inflict it on myself. This was my wake up call, and also the instigator of the set of challenges I am now completing. It may seem trivial to some this action of telling people what the cause was, why it was done or how I felt doing it, but I felt like I was lying to them by not telling them. Putting aside my pride or shame was the challenge & with help from chris passing the scotch/whiskey, I felt entirely at ease relaying the story & eerily happy once it was out in the open. Just like the saying, ‘a weight had been lifted’.

I am growing long past caring how people think of me, or what their opinions are of me. By whatever actions I take or what my beliefs are, I am aiming to be true to myself. Too many are forced to follow the rules or laws of society. Of course, laws are in place for a reason; however the real pressure is always the rules of society. Rules have changed and will continue to change through the ages, so why are we so bound to follow the rules of today?

My next challenge will undoubtedly be something that makes the above seem a insignificant course of action. Until then, I aim to not be a robot & express myself as honestly as possible. (love you boo).

Monday, November 12, 2007

Twiggy's Star's - Part 1.

A Texas western cowboy galloping through-out Manhattan, its impossible not to feel that this is just a tad wrong, or perhaps the matrix truly does exist?My stem cells, rather than them falling into disarray, are now fully trained into to thinking of how to master subatomic fusion to determine the meaning or the existence of the universe. Futile? or What The? Wondering how subatomic fusion has anything to do with the universe? Try imaging that time travel is possible, as time itself does not exist. Not impossible since time is relative. If life does exist elsewhere, then time is relative to ones own galaxy, since time is measured on the number of planetary rotations and rotations around a sun, then time is different for each galaxy or greater still, each universe. Comprende!I am not merely referring to the Holtzman effect, which some of you may be aware, he was not, as we say, credible, often assigning his own name to his under studies work. Which in lies the secret, “one may not have what one believes to be the greatest occupation, but what one is currently, is equally as important as what ones desires”.Am I in a prolific mood, perhaps, or it could be that a days worth of meditation and 108 repetitions’ of the mantra this wonderful morning have quelled any disparaging thoughts or negative inclination’s. Gold to a great percentage of the Earth’s population would suggest money & greed I believe, however for some, perhaps a remote few (or India, since I feel India tend to revere Gold for its purity, rather than its economic dollar value), means substantially more. The combination or pairing of gold with blue produces a somewhat harmonic symbiotic relationship inside my head, almost like a person with Heterochromia iridium. For those of us not convinced it could be so easy, then referencing with historic memories is no doubt the more logical or an easier to accept explanation as laid out in Tau-ri law, MMVII, act 1979, section 10, Clause 4, as I’m sure the very thought of a symbiotic relationship with gold & blue is impossible to fathom, though not impossible if the theory can be proven! Existence is over-whelmed with theories, how this, how that, which often re-kindles a desire in archaeology and religion, sadly I did not pursue academically when I had the chance. Another concept I have been toying around in my inflated head is how to convince the human population that human cloning is beneficial to the existence of the human race. Take the Asgard’s, they are asexual cloned entities. Their memories, or soul some might say, is extracted through sophisticated technology, well advanced above our own, and inserted in a new clone, thus ensuring their race continues considering their asexual, so reproduction or copulation is not necessary. Which on a side step brings me to another concept of how to get the American population to vote in favour of breaking up the United States into smaller, more intimate countries, similar to Europe, rather than the monopolising institution, it is seems intent on portraying. I mean, New York & Los Angeles relationship is like a marriage between the Queen & Prince Philip. She’d love to have kicked that philandering Greeks greasy arse long ago had she had no dignity & duty to her country setting an example on how traditional house wives turn the other way. Though I’m sure her position as the bread winner in the relationship screwed the foul Greek Prince to no end! I could continue endlessly. Cudos to boo for an A+ essay on Balenciaga!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Go Civil War!! Shoot em dead!! Bury their heads!!..

Who would have thought it possible that I would actually be almost happy in New Zealand! The general public aggrevate the crap out of me & I have no respect for the indiginous population - Go Civil War!! Shoot em dead!! Bury their heads!!.. A truely marvellous concept has slapped me in the face and started calling my tug wanda. A family funeral has you surrounded by family and talking with aunties, uncles & cousins.. the shock is enjoying the experience .. the mingling.. the talking.. the laughing and the crying.. and it continued onto the next day, the next and finally the last. While still bouncing around on the death eater buzz I decided to skip up north and catch mother dearest while she was half was down the north island... money well spent or time wasted beautifully as I spent time with my great uncle Ted (nana's brother), cousin Jillian and my 2 & 3rd cousins.. argh so much family in 1 short space of time! Mum & I had dinner at Cobb'&'Co.. a delicious baked camembert & plum sauce.. fat filled Lasane and talking for hours while I'm sure the dildo talk was a definate learning experience for the young family situation to our sides. Love you boo boo .. miss you terribly & starting to count down the days.

Monday, October 22, 2007

When is the right time to cry?

Half the room is devided, the wifes side on the left, husband on the right, odd member's mixed with opposite's, pretty much a wedding if you didnt notice the dirty great coffin inbetween. At funerals, one finds themselves either thrown into contemplation or forced into reviewing or facing relationships which one would not have even contemplated taking the challenge of going over issues & memories happily forgotten?I was found myself pondering during the funeral "Is there a right time to die? When is the right time to cry?"When you are surrounded by so many members of your family that are close or distant, one is propelled into the realisation that death is galloping nearer to our loved ones than we would like to admit. For instance, Graeme was a healthy middle aged man, over 60, but not yet elderly, though some would say 'over the hill' is definatly entering the 'old' catagories, Graeme did not appear to belong to any by conventional standards. His coffin was deep mahogany, reminscent of the Victorian era furniture scattered in antique shops around the country side and his lounge and dining rooms. Wonderful ruby red roses lay adorning the lid of the sarcogphigus, perfect positioning of the golf club, number 1 and the lily white gold ball.The eulegy by Richard was as entertaining as the flight to the death show... cabin crew prepare passengers for departure...... ...... ..... 20 minutes until cremation Graeme!Revealing your tears appears completely taboo... the atmosphere feels like it belongs to a psyhiactric patients morbid fantasy of people lined up waiting for the referree to yell out... ready set go! ... An hour goes by before anyone outside the immediate family feels the signal its okay to display their grief .. I myself needing my aunty to hug me before I could let the pain out 'you just needed a squeeze to pop' she says. Mingling is always difficult until you have downed a few wines .. enough to remove the edge... talking to cousins you havent seen in 13 years.. then another turns out to be 17 years... and your've always got the cousin which never knew you existed, how?! is the discussion which amuses us all, but ends the same as them all... time for another drink. .. discussions are short sharp, Taylor sounding as everyone likes to label it.. who received compliments for his achievements... his extraverted persona which is in total contrast to the introverted boy which left the country (all thanks & praise should be directed to boo for helping me become who I am) & special mention to Clint & Taylor for spending the time to split themselves apart and join back together again.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Dead Saviour©

I am worth $1,934,244 on HumanForSale.com

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Spit Heaven

Theatres are funny, sometimes they play movies that are entertaining and sometimes you have your own entertainment to play, such as last night.... who would have thought, you would haveme, leonie and michael all sitting together.. leonie of course in the middle.... myself andmichael never did like eachother.. and im left wondering how the hell am i gonna get thoseroses to leonie when she has michael at home.. hmmmm... not sure what to do.. just what to do.. anyhow... we were in the theatre and leonie had on her leather strapped watch, 3 silver rings, and a chunky and somewhat ugly (very ugly) bracelet thing that micheal had got her. it was mould titanium and hollow on the inside with the word rebel on the top... that much i can agree with..rebel all the way.. hey she' still talking to me... im drifting sorry.. well.. we were watching a movie.... i think.. that much is not confirmed.. since in my dream it did not look at the screen at all.. haha... well.. i was trying to jab leonie in the side, butshe was trying to be extremely well behaved as michael was keeping a close watch and kept giving disapproving looks that was pissing leonie off big time.. so she passed the looks onto me causeshe didnt want to end up in a fight .. i was getting annoyed so i started spitting at the floor..dont ask me why but then we all started spitting, somehow ending up on the floor and spitting at eachother, a piece of food shot out of leonies mouth and to prove a point that he is her boyfiend, michael ate it off the floor, with bits of hair/fur around it.. ewwwww.. thats all we could both say.. ewwwwww.... and more ewwwwwwwww.. how desperate can you get.. haha.. .. there was a puddle of spit that had gathered of the floor between us all, so i started flicking it with my fingers at michael.. haha.. and then leonie.. (she had drifted at that point, accrossto michaels side and now them both opposite me)... its attack mode im thinking.. so spit flick away.. haha.. flick flick flick, and how gross, ooooz was clinging to my fingers and m and l were really enjoying it.. so i woke up feeling disgusted... it was just like being at school... gross and pathetic.. except the whole spitting for fun thing.. it was fun to do that again .. so innocent back at a young age..

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Xmas Danger Mouse

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Would You If you Could...

How About ->
Or What About ->

Perfect Then ....... YES

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Blood Feast - Party Monster - Club Kids

I love love love this movie.. but more over... i totally love the theology of the freedom.

Synopsis of what Im currently obsessed with !!

"Party Monster"
Michael Alig : "The King Of The Club Kids"
James St. James : "Best Friend & Nemesis of the King"
Superstar DJ Keoki : "The King's own Superstar"
Christina : "The Self Obsessed Crazed Lunatic Drag Queen"

New York club scene of the late 80's & 90's, which chronicles the rise and fall of "The King Of The Club Kids" promoter Michael Alig, a party organizer, whose extravagant life was sent spiralling downward when he boasted on television that he had killed his friend, roommate, and drug dealer, Angel Melendez. Originally from Indiana, Alig moved to New York, and came to be an underground legend, known for his excessive drug use and outrageous behavior in the club world. At his peak, he had his own record label, and magazine, and hosted Disco 2000, one of the biggest club nights in New York in the '90s. He was doing a lot of drugs, and as his addiction got worse, his party themes became darker and more twisted. Alig's saga reached its tragic crescendo when he viciously murdered his drug dealer. Michaels house-mate Freeze bashing Angel over the head with a hammer, then Michael injecting him with Drano, chopping off his legs and dumping his body in a box and throwing him in the East River. The power he wielded on the club scene made him feel untouchable, so he didn't hestitate to boast of the murder. The press thought it was a publicity stunt--until Angel's body washed ashore.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Dream Of Awake

Met this cute guy in wellington who wanted to walk home with someone;... we were talking.. i was from overseas.... and he had this aura about him that made me think of scott and have the same feeling around him.. ... we werent really talking about anything relevant or what.. but i remember that we got onto a debate of who we liked and he said me or i said him.. (dont remember which).. whoopdishit ! and we ended up out at lower hutt... went out to nbl for something.. went through side entrance and told him to wait there.. run to office and turned off alarm ... i was thinking on the way to the office.. god i hope the pin from reality works in this dream otherwise we are screwed... it worked... then ran back to him to say had to run and would be back asap... we then took off to the hutt valley centre on tram/bus and then walked as if i was back at school to 1067 high st.. he was kinda cute with shortish brown/blonde hair.. slightly shorter with olive brown skin.. he had board shorts on and sneakers.. half way home.. leonies mum was sitting on stainless steel table and chair on front lawn of thier old house with a smoke and cup of tea... she looked sort of unhappy .. i ran up and gave her a hug, shocked she looked at me and asked why i was in wellington and for how long.. i explained that it was a very quick visit and that i would be leaving that night.... a feeling of guilt ran over me that i had not seen her previously... ..we ended up at leonies new house.. which had a spiral staircase.. leonie, her mum, michael and dad were at the top.... i was so happy to see leonie and wished i had stopped her from going ahead with it... i couldnt get to the top of the stairs... .. leonie had her hair up and wore this aweful metallic peachy colored lipstick and was pregnant.. she looked like a prisioned catholic housewife... forbidden to talk .... with the lad (which later turned out to be john) - leonie offered to make some tea and led us to the back afternoon room... seated we were chatting, talking about what was happening (dont remember) - leonie came out with drinks and biscuits .. there was a blue with bobbie print 2seater couch (fold out bed) which michael was sitting on and next to me was a upside down brown, 70's looking 2 seater the same that had dark brown squarish arms rests and a cream and brown check tarten wool print on the custions... leonie was saying how the blue one is the better one and the brown one is far to old and she didnt know why she brought them... she was sitting on the emerald green one that she couldnt sell as their were stains on the cushions.. the boy was making inappropriate comments and we are then at the scene of the staircase.. i go to give leonie a hug but michael steps in front.. her mum guides me to the front door and then i am home with dad and adele.. ...we were all talking and i was thinking about how much i didnt want to be there, however much the place creeps me out and remembering how much shit and hatred i had to put up with .. and one of the ones who did it was just standing in front of me, talking to me like it never happened and nothing was wrong.. . how much i hate people that have complete ignorance.. .. (Cant remember what about) - i was watching the clock as i knew my plane was about 11pm and it was now getting towards 8pm... the boy had already drifted off out of picture and we are now all in dads 4x4 heading somewhere and then we end up with some immensely weird drag queen chick woman thingy... we are heading out to the country... looking like the haywards hill and all i can think about is i have bad feelings about nbl as i left the alarm off and dont remember and am pretty sure i didnt close or lock the side entrance... anyway... after staring at this really strange drag lady that has a good resemblance to hagred from harry potter.. i recognised that it was aunty shirley and that she was driving and dad was now in the back with adele and jaimee... we end up in the vacant area that looks like a deserted bomb site and then out comes a huge massive tank... it races towards us and then stops..... the general gets out and then says.. ingenius... just a strip of seethrough stuff and look at the results... he then puts the strip on the bottom of the tank... signals it to go and then the tank bounces into the air... lands.. and then bounces again.. marvalious you might say as he turns to dad for his opinion.. dad now looking like a miniature adolf hitler.. telepathecally telling me that the tank is for his ex ... to squash her and rid the world of her for once and for all.. the tanks looked very cool.,.. khaki coloured with even soldiers heads popping out of the top of the tanks as they landed ... we are then catapolted back to the car.. and now its just me and dad and now after 9pm.. im looking at dad who looks very peaceful... (should be since he has found a weapon to mutilate the bitch back to hell) - and im trying to politely tell him that we need to head to the factory ... nothing really works.. i tell dad that plane leaves in 2 hours and i really really wanted to see nbl before heading away for another couple of years... we get there and walk down the back of the factory.. dad attributing the no alarm set to my stupid uncle who loves no one but himself... we get to the back... dad turning on the lights and i look around... press machines still there... and i say to dad... where are all the dies farts... like slow motion.. every machine.. every shelf.,. every piece of metal that was not attached to anything was no longer there... so empty and so clean.. grandad would have been proud had this been a successful tidy up of the factory... ... dad with his jaw on the ground.. is just awe struck... i cant take the suspence any more so i tell him that i had been there during the day and had no idea that someone would come and ravage the place of millions of dollars worth of equipment.. even the damn crow bars were gone.. .. i told dad that i had left the alarm off and he said you left the damn side door unlocked didnt you .. ah ha.. i said... down the back there was some noise against the back door.. we opened the door and there was this old lady there with a young smart ass kid... dad demanded to know who had done it.. she knew but they had no name.. the kid advised that they were only open on weekends.. ... that would be right wouldnt it.. only open on fucking weekends when no one else is.. .. then it jumps to the airport and im running down the carriage way to the plane.. its got really outdated carpet .. still with huge patterns .. colors of orange brown adn cream... very retro.. running to the plane.. i get on in time to come home to australia... there is only about 6-7 of us on the plane... - dream over... im awake... cant sleep